Friends & Partners
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico is dependent on the help from generous organizations and donors like you. When you look into the faces of children with cancer, you won’t see disease. You’ll see hope. Hope to feel better again. Hope to survive. Hope for a future. Thanks to our friends and partners, we can continue on our mission to make a difference in the lives of each child and their families fighting cancer.

Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
The Water Authority’s assistance program for low-income customers is now managed by The Storehouse of Greater Albuquerque and the Rio Grande Food Project. Customers meeting household income and other requirements may qualify for ongoing assistance via the Low Income Credit program or for one-time emergency assistance via the Water Assistance Fund.
*Must get a referral from CCFNM for this fund
Angel Flights
Angel Flights provides air transportation in a non emergency medical situation.
The Bodhi Fund
The Bodhi Fund is a collaborative partnership between the New Mexico Community Foundation, Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico and the Pediatric Oncology Program of UNM Children’s Hospital. In honor of Bodhi, this Fund was created by the Robinson Family and is a Donor Advised Fund of the New Mexico Community Foundation (NMCF). The NMCF Bodhi Fund provides financial aid to assist with some of the living expenses that a family incurs while their child requires bone marrow treatment transplant and related medical treatment outside of New Mexico at a hospital rated as a center of excellence.
About the Bodhi Fund
In 2003, four year-old Bodhi was diagnosed with a rare leukemia. After two weeks of successful chemotherapy at UNM Children’s Hospital, Bodhi was referred for a pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT), a difficult medical procedure unavailable in the state of New Mexico. In April 2004 Bodhi was taken to New York City where he underwent a BMT at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Bodhi is now 17 and will graduate from High School this spring.
Bodhi’s family recognized the severe financial and emotional impact of having your child treated out-of-state can cause a family. In honor of Bodhi’s positive experience with treatment outside New Mexico, the Bodhi Fund was created to support New Mexico families whose children are in desperate need of distant cancer treatment.
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico administers Bodhi’s Fund to New Mexico pediatric oncology and hematology patients traveling to centers of excellence for treatments and procedures not available in New Mexico.
Daniel’s Family Funeral Services

CCFNM appreciates the compassionate support our families receive from Daniel’s Funeral Services.
Jessica Chavez Fund
The Jessica Chavez Fund was created in her memory. It is intended to sponsor young men and women who are receiving cancer treatment at a New Mexico Pediatric Oncology facility for Prom or Graduation. Funds can be used for clothes, accessories, grooming, dinner, transportation, graduation announcements. If in any given year there is not such a young man or woman, the funds may be spent on a sibling (either a sibling that has lost a brother or sister or has a sibling in treatment) graduating that year. Contact the CCFNM office for more information on this fund.
Jordyn’s Pillows
Jordyn’s Pillows was created by Jordyn’s family in his memory to ensure each child had a pillow with them for the car rides back and forth to the hospital. This is something that brought him comfort.
My Little Horse Listener
Named for a young cancer patient who fell in love with our miniature equines, Bowie’s Friends is a fun, free program for children with cancer. Siblings and caretakers arewelcome too. Enjoy the gentle touch of miniature equines in Cerrillos, NM
PNM Good Neighbor Fund
The PNM Good Neighbor Fund is an emergency assistance fund for PNM customers facing an unexpected financial hardship due to an emergency situation. The PNM Good Neighbor Fund may be able to help cover part or all of a past-due PNM bill.
Grant recipients must be income-eligible with proof of a qualified emergency situation that occurred within the last six months that has caused an unexpected loss in household income.
*Must get a referral from CCFNM for this fund
Rio Grande Food Project
At RGFP, hungry households can pick up a week’s worth of food once a month. They distribute frozen as well as fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, frozen meats, beans and rice, breads and dry and canned goods. In addition to our monthly food box program, we provide weekly groceries to medically-referred clients who are food insecure and have a chronic health condition that is related to hunger. This Food for Health program addresses chronic health conditions through improved nutrition and household education on eating habits.